The college expects its scholars to maintain the code laid down for students and to develop a habit of discipline during their stay in the college. This will ultimately shape them into responsible and useful citizens.
- The college lays special emphasis on the maintenance of discipline and necessary decorum in and outside the classrooms. A disciplinary committee is formed for this purpose.
- Students are expected to be courteous and polite in their dealing with one another and with the employees of the college.
- Proper respect should be given to the teachers and their instructions should be carried out strictly.
- Perfect silence should be maintained in the classes, in the reading room and in the verandahs so that none is disturbed in studies and the atmosphere prevailing in the college remains academic.
- Movements from one class to another should be orderly. At the end of a period, the incoming students should wait outside till the classroom has been completely vacated.
- The students should understand that the college property is an asset of the nation and as such its maintenance is as much their duty as that of the administration. Therefore, let no one disfigure or damage the furniture or deface the wall with pen, pencil or chalk marks.
- In a vacant period, students are advised to utilize their time in the study of magazines, journals and newspapers in the reading room.
- Students should inculcate the queue habit when they go to see the Principal, to pay dues in the office, to get books issued from the library, etc.
- During their stay in the college, girl students are advised not to make use of excessive ornaments, cosmetics, etc.
- The students found guilty of infringement to above rules of conducts and discipline shall be liable to heavy punishment in the form of fine, withdrawal of concessions and stipends, or even expulsion from the college, depending on the seriousness of the offense.
- Toilets, bath rooms for boys and girls are separate. These must be used as such.
- Boys and girls are not allowed to go out of the premises during college hours, if found guilty will be fined/expelled from the college.